How to Get Copyright in Thailand?

how to get copyright in thailand

An intellectual property right called copyright gives the makers of original artwork or other tangible manifestations of ideas ownership rights. These terms frequently refer to written works, audiovisual works, computer programs, sculptures, paintings, works of architecture, and works of applied art. In addition to the sole right to use, publish, and profit from their creations, […]

Can You Get a Trademark for Your Business in Thailand?

Registering a trademark gives you legal protection against counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement. A registered trademark enhances your power to pursue your rights while also assuring that you are not inadvertently infringing on another’s trademark. Although Thai law recognises foreign trademarks, they only provide limited protection at best. Thailand is not a party to any […]

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Services In Thailand If you are the owner of Intellectual property, which covers anything that is original and created by the human mind, such as inventions, processes, artistic, literary, musical, and other works, you should seek the legal protection of a patent or a registered trademark. This legal protection will give you a […]