When Do You Need to Acquire Alcohol License in Thailand?

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alcohol license in Thailand

If your restaurant business also intends to serve liquor, then you will need to obtain alcohol license in Thailand. However, prior to serving liquor, you must obtain a liquor license from the Excise Department. This will give you legal permission to sell alcohol. Establishments like pubs, bars, importers, hotels, liquor stores, clubs, and distillers. Moreover, to obtain a liquor license, you must apply at the District Office or Local Excise Department.

Documents required for Alcohol License in Thailand:

  • Company affidavit,
  • Lease agreement of business establishment,
  • Consent letter from the landlord,
  • House registration document of business establishment, and
  • Map of liquor establishment for distribution,

However, just so you know, the alcohol license is valid for a year and thus can be renewed annually before expiry. After acquiring the liquor license you can sell liquor at a specific location. The official fixes the location and grants the permission. Also, the alcohol should be free from contamination with other ingredient or any other type of liquor without seeking any official permission.

Additionally, note that under the Alcohol Beverage Control Act, B.E. 2551 (2008), there is prohibition in selling liquor near schools, gas station or even religious areas. Breaching the law can result in fine and imprisonment.

Your Take!

Thailand provides numerous business prospects in a variety of industries. Tourism has advanced to the point where many people enjoy visiting different cities and learning about different cultures and traditions. When working with a technologically advanced industry, you should provide as many options as possible. A Thai restaurant or bar that serves a variety of specialties that are well-known around the world should be a good choice and a good way to make money. Aside from that, forming a company in Thailand is not as difficult as it appears, especially when investors enlist the help of a team of experts, such as our incorporation agents.

Opening a bar requires a significant amount of money, and the success of the establishment will be determined by its location in the city, the décor and design, the drinks and prices, and, if applicable, the cuisine. Following the resolution of these challenges, investors will need to carefully prepare marketing tactics in order to attract clients, who might be tourists, expats, or locals.

For additional information on how to acquire alcohol license in Thailand, mail us at officer@konradlegal.com.

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