Thai Cabinet Approves Schemes to Help Offset Losses during COVID-19

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schemes to sail through losses

The cabinet approved packages to stimulate domestic tourism and help in offsetting losses resulted from absence of the foreign tourists during the COVID-19 crisis. They are as follows;

  1. The 40% hotel subsidy to 3000 Baht per night will be extended to 10 nights with the subsidy (air ticket) doubled to 2k Baht
  2. Two stimulus packages are approved that worth 22.4 billion Baht;
  3. Tax incentives can be offered to those who are taking the scheme;
  4. The Labour Ministry has been instructed to fast track the program so as to create about 1 million jobs for both new graduates and the unemployed workers;
  5. The government has a plan to assign a part of 3.3 trillion Baht budget from 2021 fiscal to create more jobs in the fourth quarter;
  6. The cabinet approved 572.58 million Baht (combined) from 2021-22 budget to support the Pid Thong Lang Phra Foundation to create sustainable development in the three southernmost provinces and alleviate poverty;

To ensure maximum reach, the cabinet assigned related agencies to promote the scheme and requested their employees to take benefits of the offered subsidies.

Mr Supattanapong Punmeechaow, the deputy Prime Minister mentioned that the Thai government would allow funds from the 400 billion Baht budget kept for economic restoration to support the job creation projects.

Labour Minister Mr Suchart Chomklin said that the ministry will arrange Job Expo Thailand in the next month to create employment for around 4, 00,000 new graduates alongside 420,000 laid-off workers. State-owned, private companies as well as state agencies will be the participating employers.


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