Below are the entities that you may consider to establish your IT consulting business in Thailand;
- Thai Limited Liability Company
To start a Thai limited liability company there should be a minimum of 3 shareholders and 1 promoter.
- Thai BOI Company
Companies receiving BOI approval are exempted from the need to have a foreign business license and they are benefited from many tax and non-tax incentives.
- Amity Treaty LLC
Under the Amity Treaty, a business can be 100% foreign-owned, meaning all the directors can be foreigners, provided they are US nationals.
- Thai Public Limited Company
A Thai Public Limited Company must have minimum 15 shareholders and 5 directors and half of them must be Thais.
- Branch Office
Multinationals can set-up a branch office in Thailand to accomplish a project, lasting for 5 years. Income derived from its activities is subjected to corporate income tax in Thailand.
- Representative Office
A representative office in Thailand can be 100% foreign owned. However, it cannot get involved into direct sales in the country.
- Regional Operating Headquarter
To have a control over subsidiaries in Asia a foreign company can establish a regional office in Thailand.
- Thailand Foundation
Foreigners can form a Thai private and charitable foundation, eligible to a CIT rate of 1%.
- Thailand Limited Partnership
Thailand Limited Partnership needs one limited partner and one general partner for registration.
For your information, a limited company is the most common of all. To know more about the rules and regulations write to us at