Will It be a Wise Decision to Invest in Thailand in the Next Quarter? Thailand’s Economic Outlook is Here for You…
Good news for the Thais! Things seem to be turning around, promising an economic recovery, says a senior executive at Thailand’s stock exchange. The country GDP increased 2.9% from a year ago in the 3rd quarter, backed by domestic spending and exports. The chief strategist and finance officer of the SET says that he is […]
FAQs on Listing Company in Stock Exchange of Thailand
Here’s a list of some popularly asked questions on listing company in Stock Exchange of Thailand; How the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Market for Alternative Investment differs? Ans. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) offers a market for large companies having a minimum 300 million paid-up capital after IPO in order to raise long-term […]
Exchange Control Laws of Stock Exchange Thailand
The lawful basics for the exchange control in Thailand are usually derived from the Ministerial Regulation No. 13 (B.E. 2497) and the Exchange Control Act (B.E. 2485). The objectives of the Exchange Control Laws in Thailand are as follows; Centralizing the foreign exchange of Thailand Monitoring capital outflows Stabilizing the value of Baht Channelizing the […]