Who can register a company under the Treaty of Amity in Thailand?

On May 29, 1966, the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand signed the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations. This agreement permits residents and enterprises from the United States to open a company or branch office in Thailand. Under the pact, it is allowed to do almost anything that a Thai firm […]
Amity Treaty Making Business Easy for Americans in Thailand
In spite of the Thai Foreign Business Act (FBA), passed in the year 1999, the US-Thai Amity treaty makes it a bit favorable for the Americans. The FBA prohibits any and all foreigners from setup any business unit in Thailand without the possession of a valid Foreign Business License (FBL) or Foreign Business Certificate (FBC). […]
5 Facts about Amity Treaty Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Thailand
An Amity Treaty LLC in Thailand can be 100% foreign-owned and can have exemptions from most restrictions on foreign investment. It is according to the Alien Business Law, 1972. But there are some myths about this type of business entity. Let find out the actual facts; Amity Treaty Limited Liability Company can be set up […]
How to Set Up a Business in Thailand under Amity Treaty?

The Step-By-Step Process to Set Up a Business in Thailand under Amity Treaty is as follows: Step 1 Complete the application form in compliance with Thai Law and submit it along with the necessary documents. Step 2 Upon receiving the application and documents, the CS office will hand over the certificate to the Thai Department […]
Do You Need a Work Permit in Thailand for Businesses under US-Thai Treaty of Amity?

To know whether you will need a Work Permit for Amity Treaty Company in Thailand, you must know about the treaty relations. American individuals and businesses are allowed to own majority (more than 51%) shares of a Thai Limited Corporation through a US Treaty of Amity Company. The US Treaty of Amity also allowed American […]
Did You Know the US Nationals can Enjoy Equal Business Rights as Thais?
Yeah! You got it right. If you are an American you can have 100% ownership of your company in Thailand. Also, the business objectives that will be available to you are going to be nearly as same as the Thai juristic individual or entity. All thank to the US-Thai Amity Treaty. However, to register a […]
Treaty of Amity – A Must Read For the US Citizens
If you are an American and willing to open a business in Thailand, you can secure 100% ownership in the company. Wondering how? Well, you might have heard about the Treaty of Amity. Anyways, if not then let me help you. In fact let me tell you that registering a company in Thailand under Amity […]
AMCHAM and JFCCT Shows Up in Support of Thailand 4.0
The American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) expresses their support to Thailand 4.0 and they would like to find out how their members could be involved more in the Smart Farming Scheme. They, together with the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce (JFCCT) conducted a meeting with the Board of Investment, where the following was discussed; BOI […]
Are You Aware of US-Thai Amity Treaty?
Are You Aware of US-Thai Amity Treaty? I am sure not many. During the initial consultation with my potential clients, I have found hardly anyone is aware of this type of treaty signed between the US and Thailand. So, what is this all about? Well, actually if register your company under US-Thai Amity Treaty you […]
Foreign Business Certificate and Thai Foreign Business License

Is your company BOI promoted? Do you need an ‘automatic’ authorization? Then you must obtain a foreign business certificate in Thailand. It is an automatic authorization, where a foreigner can operate a restricted business. It can be on the basis of a Board of Investment promotion in Thailand or an international treaty. Often many business […]