Company Formation Comparison: Thailand vs Dubai
While checking my mail yesterday I found a lot of queries regarding the business prospects in Thailand and Dubai. A few vouched for Dubai considering its importance along the Silk Road, whereas others spoke of Thailand. It took a great deal of time for me to actually write this entire article as most of the time I was perplexed thinking which one should I choose.
Of course, Dubai is booming with skyscrapers everywhere and innumerable business opportunities. And significantly, almost all the people there are aware of English, which might not be the case with the Thais. Dubai government offers different kinds of business models, such as Limited Liability Company, commercial agency arrangement, special free zone investment and much more. But you require having a good knowledge about the region. Similarly, the Dubai law needs you to have a local partner with the majority interest and he is the one who should have entire control over the business.
Nevertheless, Thais, too, are catching up with the language as the government is keen on attracting more foreign investors. The Board of Investment in Thailand keeps on providing incentives and other benefits to the investors. The biggest advantage of getting into Thailand’s business ecosystem is that a foreigner can own 100% ownership of the company.
Starting a company in Thailand, therefore, can be a wise decision to make, provided you are informed about all the business laws. In fact, the exit is quite easy too. If you want to withdraw your company, it won’t be much difficult for you.
Since Thailand is a capitalistic country and is very receptive to international businesses, it is on the receiving end of the businessmen who are ready with cash to spend. There is an abundance of opportunity to explore in the industrial as well as service sector. You can opt for Thai Partnerships, Ordinary Partnership, Thai Limited Liability Partnership or a Thai Limited Company.
In order to decide which country would be suitable for you to start a business, you must travel and explore the place for yourself.