8 Advantages of Setting Up an Offshore Company in Thailand

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8 Advantages of Setting Up an Offshore Company in Thailand

Advantages of Setting Up an Offshore Company in Thailand

Wondering why would someone choose to open an offshore company in Thailand? Of course, you cannot open it on a shoestring budget, but that goes more or less same for other types of businesses too. Companies and foundations that are set up in no-tax jurisdictions are largely used in the international business transactions. However, the majority of the offshore entities are a part of the tax deferral plan. That being said, this is not the sole objective. An offshore company in Thailand can be set up for international trading. The company will take orders from the customers directly, but they must be delivered to the customer directly from the manufacturer. The profits calculated from the difference between the buying price and selling price is accumulated in a tax-free region or a low tax area.

Additionally, funds accumulated through the investment companies can be deposited offshore. But then interest payable in terms of these funds is subjected to local taxation. A lot of people use the offshore foundations as a source of asset protection. Also, you can enjoy substantial advantages when in using the offshore property holding company.
Apart from these, there are other benefits too;

  1. The legal obligations of the directors are reduced to a great extent. Besides, the accounting works can be easily overcome with efficient virtual services.
  2. An offshore company may hold assets such as intellectual property and other types of real estate investments.
  3. As mentioned earlier offshore business in Thailand can lessen their tax burden, especially when they are registered under BOI.
  4. For your information, you must also know that the majority of the non-resident companies do not publish financial information of the shareholders or the directors.
  5. The process of forming a business in Thailand is quite fast and simple. Aside, the maintenance cost is low when compared to other countries.
  6. Importantly, setting up an offshore company need you to make a minimal capital investment. As a matter of fact, the amount is lesser than what you may require registering an onshore company.
  7. When it comes to protecting assets like real estate or intellectual property, your offshore company can hold them safely.
  8. If you are concerned about funding, then let me tell you there are many top-notch companies who are in support of more foreign businesses are granting funds.

If you are interested in setting-up your offshore company in Thailand we are always there to provide you legal assistance.

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