Do You Need to Hire a Professional to File Corporate Income Tax in Thailand?

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Do you need to hire professional to file Corporate income tax

Why not? Not doing that may trouble you, especially when you have a newly set up business. There are so many things that you need to look at when it comes to carrying out daily business operations. And if your enterprise large enough, then also doing it all by yourself is not feasible. Turning to a professional to file corporate income tax in Thailand is therefore always a wise decision. While you hire one of them, you must consider these;

1. Learn the Lingo
You don’t really need to know all about the tax code, but you will want to grasp fundamentals before you begin your search. Like, read up the deductions you can take on your property, especially when you use them to operate your business. Above all, just don’t shy away to ask questions to know the meaning behind all such numbers.

2. Take Referrals
You can take referrals, especially from your business friends and colleagues. Also, you can join the online public forums and see about whom the people are talking about. You can take a look at the Tax Professionals guide that allows searching through some of the most reputable sources.

3. Background Search is Important
It is crucial to carry out an informal background search on your selected few to see if there’s any fraudulent claim against them.

4. Should You Opt for an Independent Tax Preparer or an Agency?
A lot of people ask this. With time the number of an independent tax preparer and agencies has increased greatly. Hence, it is often confusing choosing between one. Of course, you can choose an independent tax preparer, but understand that if in case he/she falters, there will be no one to cover up. But in an agency, at least more than one independent tax preparer works, so if one fails to render services, the agency will make sure to arrange another.

5. Determining the Fees
The fees depend on the complexity of the return. It is better to avoid preparers who would base there on the percentage of the refund.

6. See If the Professional is Always There at Your Service
If you face any problem, your professional should be there to assist you. But that doesn’t mean he/she will be awake till late night just to answer your queries. Make sure that you are able to get in touch with your tax preparer after-tax return has been filed.

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