How can a Notary Service Provider in Thailand help you?

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In most countries, a Notary Public is a state-licensed public official who can certify legal documents, affidavits, signatures, or a statement made under oath. Notary services are crucial because they help establish a guarantee of the document’s authenticity. In Thailand, however, there is no Notary Public. Instead, the Lawyers Council of Thailand creates the Notarial Services Attorney role, which allows attorneys to perform the aforementioned services and is governed by the Lawyers Act B.E. 2528. This makes Notary Service in Thailand essential for attestation and document validation activities.

Why are Notary Services Important in Thailand?

Not only in Thailand, but Notary Services are also important to prove the authenticity of any document throughout the world. Individual signatures and documents are notarized in order to ensure their authenticity. This prevents fraudsters from passing documents that aren’t authenticated. 

In addition, the notary public, also known as a Thailand notary, serves as a neutral witness. He attests that the documents are genuine and that the people signing them are the same people who have the authorization to do so. Notarization is required for some documents to become enforceable and binding. Notarization is compulsory for such documents.

Notary services in Thailand are mainly required for:

  • Foreign Embassies
  • Government Offices
  • Private Organizations
  • Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Banks and other Financial Institutions

How can Notary Services help you in Thailand? 

A Thailand Lawyer carries on the role of Notarial Services Attorney in order to perform the functions of a notary public. Deliverables of a Notary Service in Thailand are – 

  • Verification of the authenticity of signatures on legal documents
  • Certification of copies of original documents
  • Certification of official documents (copies) of government issuance
  • Authentication of deeds
  • Verification of documents related to property and business acquisition and contract
  • Authentication of signature and other identification documents such as passport
  • Admiration of affirmations and oaths
  • Certification of the identities of parties involved in an agreement
  • Acting as a witness to parties affixing their signatures on documents

What documents must be notarized?

There are various documents that need to be notarized. Some of the most common documents that require notarization include:

  • Power of Attorney
  • Title Deeds
  • Contracts
  • Bank Statements
  • Application for Foreign Visa

The notary service fee varies depending on the type as well as the number of documents seeking notarization.

The Hague Connection

Thailand is not a member of the Hague Convention on Legalization of Foreign Public Documents. So, if you are a foreigner and have acquired notarial services in Thailand, you will likely need to have your notarized documents further legalized or authenticated at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Legalisation Division. Similarly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand must legalize documents of foreign origin before using them at the Thai government offices.

US Notary Public in Thailand

Consular Officers at the US Embassy in Bangkok have authorizations from relevant US law and Department of State policy to provide particular notarial services to all US citizens. The consular section handles signature acknowledgement, power of attorney, and certified copies of US passports. There are several services that the embassy does not provide. For instance, they can be copies of academic credentials, marriage, birth, and divorce certificates of the United States without US Department of State verification. 

If the consular office is unable to provide the notarial services you seek, you may contact a qualified Thai notary lawyer to certify your documents for use in Thailand. A Notary Service in Thailand can also help you in this.

UK Notary Public in Thailand

For British nationals in Thailand, the British Embassy in Bangkok can provide a limited variety of notarial and documentary services. Consular employees can perform notarial services such as obtaining a certified copy of a British passport or driving licence, witnessing a signature for a letter of “no objection” to adoption in Thailand, confirming marital status, and confirming residency. Because the British Embassy cannot notarize copies of UK marriage certificates, divorce judgments, or educational credentials. Therefore, you must notarize such documents before travelling to Thailand.

Aside from that, the embassy is unable to notarize any type of affirmation, affidavit, or statutory statement in order to verify identification, familial links, or witness a signature on a Power of Attorney.

Your Take!

Finally, notarial services are not as widely available in Thailand as they are in most other nations. If you want a notary for your signature, witness or a document, you will require the assistance of a Notarial Services Attorney. However, such Thailand lawyers must hold a license for which they must first complete and pass a professional training course. The Thai Lawyers Council has the regulatory authority to provide this role to Thai lawyers.

Konrad Legal provides Notary Service in Thailand for papers such as affidavits, acknowledgements, authentications, and other legal documents. Please contact us through email at

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