Work Permit and Visa in Thailand: FAQs

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Thailand is a nation with an abundance of work opportunities and business avenues. The first quarter of 2021 itself has recorded a YoY growth of 80% in Foreign Direct Investment. So has been the growth in the request of Work Permits with the Labour Department of Thailand. 

On the basis of the regular queries and requests we receive for work permits and visas for Thailand, we have presented this FAQ for your convenience.

How should I know about the Visa I need to work in Thailand?

Firstly, you must have a non-immigrant visa to get a work permit to work legally in Thailand. You must acquire the Visa before arriving in Thailand and should meet the following requirements for approval: 

  1. You have a job offer or will be setting up a company where you will be employed in Thailand; 
  2. A non-immigrant visa request by the company on behalf of the applicant for work permit purposes; and 
  3. The company can guarantee your character for good morals and respect Thai culture and laws. 

You must apply for a non-immigrant visa within 30 days before arriving in Thailand. You have to file this at the Thai embassy or consulate in one’s country of origin. The applicant will require registration documents and financial statements along with the visa application. 

What is the age requirement for a Retirement Visa in Thailand? 

Foreign nationals who wish to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 1 year and don’t have any intentions of working may apply for a Thai retirement visa. It is also known as the Non-Immigrant 0-A Long Stay visa. To obtain this the applicant must be 50 years old or more at the time of application. 

What are the financial criteria to apply for the Visa? 

This depends upon the type of Visa you want. You have to show the following supporting documents as proof of your security deposit: 

  1. Your updated passbook or bank book; and 
  2. A letter from the Thai bank confirming the money deposit from an overseas source not within less than 60 days. 

What are the financial criteria for the retirement visa? 

Applicants of the Thai retirement visa must show proof of financial eligibility including the following: 

  1. A monthly income or pension of at least 65,000 baht; 
  2. A security deposit of at least 800,000 baht in a Thai bank; 
  3. A combination of annual income or pension and security deposit with a total of 800,000 baht. 

Apart from financial documents, what other documents do I need for Retirement Visa? 

For a Thai Retirement Visa, you must have the following documents:

  1. A passport that is valid for at least 18 months; 
  2. Copies of visa application forms; 
  3. Personal data form; 
  4. 4x6cm or passport-sized photos taken within the past 6 months; 
  5. Medical certificate: 
  6. Police clearance; and 
  7. A marriage certificate in case you have an accompanying spouse. 

After I get my Retirement Visa and start staying in Thailand, what are the other legal formalities to follow? 

As a Thai Retirement Visa holder, you must report to the Immigration Office to inform your current residential address every 90 days. You can do so either via mail or a personal visit. 

You will also need to secure a re-entry permit should you plan to travel in and out of the country. If you’re planning to bring with you any personal effects duty-free; this is not allowed under the Bureau of Customs. Lastly; the funds in your bank account should be at least 3 months old before you apply for visa renewal. 

What are the required documents when applying for the extension of a work permit for the business supported by BOI? 

Extension of work permit for BOI-supported businesses requires the following documents: 

  1. Accomplished form (The Information For Work Permit Issuance According to Section 12 of the Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 2551); 
  2. Passport copy or Alien Identification Card/Alien’s Certificate of Permanent Residence; 
  3. Department of Business Development-issued Company’s Affidavit/Certificate of Incorporation; and 
  4. Letters from the BOI and lEAT certifying the applicant’s work approval. 

How much do I have to pay for a work permit renewal or a working period extension? 

BOI-supported businesses who wish to renew their work permit or extend their work permit should pay the following fees: 

  • Renewal/extension not exceeding 3 months: 750 baht per book 
  • Extension/renewal for 3 to 6 months: 1,500 baht per book 
  • Renewal/extension for 6 months to 1 year: 3,000 baht per book 

Where should I go if I want to apply for the extension of my Visa and Work Permit? 

Applicants who wish to apply for the extension of their visa or work permit may visit the following: 

For BOI or lEAT-supported companies or companies with total assets or registered capital of over 30 million baht (management level): One-Stop Service Centre for Visas and Work Permits located at the 18th Floor, Chamchuri Square 

For companies with total assets or registered capital of less than 30 million baht: 

Visa – The Immigration Division 1 located at the Government Complex, Changwattana Road

Work Permit – Department of Employment located at Din-Daeng 

Is the foreign director needed to apply for the work permit? 

If the foreign director has income from the company, he is needed to apply for a work permit. 

What proof of the deposit do I need before I apply for the Visa? 

Updated bank book and the bank letter statement. 

Does the work permit allow the foreigner to work in a specific area or any place in Thailand? 

The work permit allows the employee to work under the location of the registered company, not specifying a definite area. For example, the location of the head office and the branch office are in Bangkok and Chonburi respectively, the employee can work in Bangkok and Chonburi. 

It is very much possible that you can have more questions that are not covered in this FAQ. In order to resolve those, mail us at We can not only guide you through the process of obtaining a Work Permit or suitable Visa for your purpose in Thailand but can also catalyse and facilitate the same. Book your free consultation session with us now!

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