Tax Filing Deadlines in Thailand in May 2022

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tax filing deadlines in thailand

If you are doing business in Thailand, paying taxes on time is one of the most important statutory requirements. According to the Thai Laws, governed by the Department of Business Development and Revenue Department, all types of taxes in Thailand need to be filed in a pre-declared frequency round the year. This article intends to provide you with all the information you need related to the Tax Filing Deadlines in Thailand. However, it covers all the important tax days in the month of May 2022.

Tax Filing Deadline in Thailand for Corporate Income Tax Returns

Companies must file a Corporate Income Tax Return (PND 50) within 150 days of the end of their fiscal year.

Therefore, Corporate Income Tax return is due by Monday, May 30, 2022, for the year ending December 31, 2021. Additionally, there is an extension for e-filing by 8 days to Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

Tax Filing Deadline in Thailand for Transfer Pricing Disclosure

A company can link parties throughout the financial year and report total revenue of more than THB 200 million. Additionally, you may need to create and submit a Transfer Pricing Disclosure form for the relevant party.

However, irrespective of the dealing of your organization during the time, you have to disclose it to all the parties. Moreover, for proper disclosure, you’ll need to carefully evaluate the Revenue Code’s definition of connected parties.

Additionally, companies must submit their transfer price disclosure forms online unless they have legitimate grounds to file a paper form. This is according to the Director-General of the Revenue Department’s notification.

AGMs and Filing of Financial Statements

Note that there is no formal announcement from the Department of Business Development (DBD) regarding any deadline extensions for filing financial accounts, shareholder lists, or other documents this year.

The list of shareholders must be filed within 14 days of the AGM date, and the financial statements must be filed within one month of the AGM date for limited businesses.

Annual General MeetingMeeting within 4 months after year end
Shareholder listFile with DBD within 14 days after the AGM
Audited financial statementsFile with DBD within one month after the AGM

Moreover, one must file the list of shareholders and financial accounts for public firms within one month of the AGM date.

Partnerships, joint ventures, and foreign companies, such as representative offices, regional offices, and branches, must file financial statements within 5 months of the end of the fiscal year. This must be one of the most important considerations in meeting up all your requirements before the Tax Filing Deadlines in Thailand.

Tax Filing Deadlines in Thailand in May 2022

May 9, 2022 (in lieu of May 7, 2022 which falls on Saturday)

Por Ngor Dor 1

Withholding tax at source under Section 59 for remuneration paid to employees under Section 40(1), (2)

Instructions: Employers must withhold tax on remuneration paid to employees in April 2022 and remit the tax so withheld to the District Office.

Por Ngor Dor 2

Income tax withheld at source under Section 59 for income paid to individual under Section 40(3), (4)

Instructions: The payer of such income in April 2022 must remit the tax withheld to the District Office.

Por Ngor Dor 54

Withholding tax on payment on income under Section 40(2) – (6) made to foreign companies under Section 70

Instructions: The payer of such income in April 2022 must remit the tax withheld to the District Office.

Por Ngor Dor 53 (withheld from companies) and/or Por Ngor Dor 3 (withheld from individuals)

Withhold tax under Section 3 tredecim

Instructions: In relation to the payment of such income (as discussed in paragraph 6 of the Guidelines) made in April 2022, the payer must remit the tax so withheld to the District Office.

Por Por 36

Value Added Tax return (for input VAT on imported goods or services and for non-resident operators under Section 83/6)

Instructions: The importer of goods or services who remit payment in April 2022 to non-resident operators is responsible for remitting the input VAT (self-assessment) to the District Office.

Deadline for Internet Filing: 17th May 2022

Relevant Tax Forms: Por Ngor Dor 1, Por Ngor Dor 2, Por Ngor Dor 3, Por Ngor Dor 53, Por Ngor Dor 54, Por Por 36

May 17, 2022 (in lieu of May 15, 2022 – Sunday & May 16, 2022 – Public Holiday)

Por Por 30
Value Added Tax return under Section 83

Instructions: A VAT registrant must file with the District Office a return entailing output VAT and input VAT incurred in April 2022 and accordingly: (i) remit net output VAT; (ii) carry forward excess input VAT to the next month; or (iii) claim a refund for excess input VAT.

Por Tor 40

Specific Business Tax return under Section 91/10

Instructions: A Specific Business Tax registrant (operating the businesses of banking, finance, securities, credit foncier, life insurance, pawnbroking, regular transactions similar to commercial banking) must submit this return and pay any tax due on its gross revenue for April 2022 to the District Office.

Deadline for Internet Filing: 23rd May 2022

Relevant Tax Forms: Por Por 30, Por Tor 40

May 30, 2022

Por Ngor Dor 50
Annual Corporate Income Tax return under Section 68

Instructions: A limited company with an accounting period ending December 31, 2021 must file this return with the audited financial statements and pay any tax due to the District Office.

TP Disclosure Form

The Notification of Director-General of TRD on Official Transfer Pricing (“TP”) Form Paragraph 1 of Section 71 of Thai Revenue Code.

Instructions: A Company or juristic partnership who has a relationship with another juristic person(s) according to Section 71B is of Thai Revenue Code and has annual income of 200 million Baht or more is required to submit Disclosure form along with the Por Ngor Dor 50.

Deadline for Internet Filing: 7th June 2022

Relevant Tax Forms: Por Ngor Dor 50, TP Disclosure Form

May 31, 2022

Por Ngor Dor 51
Mid-year Corporate Income Tax Return

Instructions: A limited company with an accounting period commencing October 1, 2021, must file the return and pay one-half of any tax due on the estimated annual profit, or the tax due on the actual first 6 months profit, as the case may be, to the District Office.

Sor Bor Chor 3

Audited financial statements and list of shareholders as of the date of annual general meeting of shareholders.

Instructions: A limited company with an accounting period ending December 31, 2021 and having its audited financial statements approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders on April 30, 2022, must submit such financial statements to the Company Registrar’s Office, Department of Business Development, within one month from the date of such approval.

Deadline for Internet Filing: 8th June 2022

Relevant Tax Forms: Por Ngor Dor 51
If you are a foreigner in Thailand, help of local Thai Taxation Specialists is must in meeting the filing requirements. Therefore, for all types of tax and return filing in Thailand, talk with our tax specialists online. Alternatively, you may also email us your requirements at

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