Thai BOI’s Incentive Scheme for High Quality Living
The initiative is taken to employ advanced IT systems to improve the quality of life. Also, the Board of Investment has agreed to promote high standard housing for the betterment of the life of workers and to extend the promotion period for investments in the ten Special Economic Zones to the end of 2020. The […]
These Many BOI Incentives a Trading Company Receives
These Many BOI Incentives a Trading Company Receives Is your company involved in trading, like purchasing and selling goods and/or raw materials? Then you may be eligible for BOI incentives. According to Thai laws, international trading-related services are the procurement of goods, packaging services, insurance on goods, transportation of goods, warehousing or inventory services before […]
100% Information! Checklist to Start a BOI Company
100% Information! Checklist to Start a BOI Company By now you might have come across hundreds of articles stating why you should start a BOI Company. I don’t really want to write another article that would just speak about the same thing again. I am sure you don’t want another time waster. Let’s just quickly […]
BOI registration: know these facts
Thailand BOI registration: know these facts In the past few years, Thailand has become a hotspot for business in the Southeast Asian region. This is because the government policies in the country support foreign investors. The Thai Board of Investment (BOI) has established special rules and incentives to attract and promote companies in specialized sectors. […]